B2B Matching Days

Nov 23  - 24 2022  - 14.30  - 18.30

B2B Matching Days

Virtual b2b meetings between Italian companies and selected international buyers

In this section you will be able to browse the participants to the digital B2B meetings and find a potential business partnership.

Thanks to this specially developed digital platform, it is possible to create a virtual showcase of your company and hold one-to-one B2B meetings with a selection of qualified foreign buyers interested in starting and consolidating a partnership with Italian companies. 

The InBuyer Agricultural Machinery Matching Days will take place on 23rd and 24th November at 14.30-18.30 (IT) / 7.30-11.30 (MEX) / 8.30-12.30 (ECU) / 10.30-14.30 (ARG)

How to partecipate:

  1. Review your company profile. Be sure that it is fully complete with all information you want to highlight to the counterpart you would like to meet
  2. Set up your agenda from edit profile section (blue banner on top of this page) and add the time slots (30 minutes slot) in which you are available for one-to-one digital meetings during the event time frame
  3. Browse the participant list in the B2B Matching section and find potential business partners. Buyers profiles will be available only a few days before the event starts, Click on the Company Name to see all the Company data.
  4. Click on the name of the contact or on the personal pic and send an appointement request or a message via chat
  5. Once the appointment will be confirmed you will receive an e-mail alert and you can add it to your personal calendar