Are you a foreign Buyer?

Join the best experience to match your needs with the offer of our companies.

InBuyer is an initiative created by Promos Italia in collaboration with the local Chambers of Commerce, which supports Italian companies in their internationalization process through online business matching appointments. The project covers a wide range of sectors and is structured on an annual calendar of dedicated events.

Thanks to the specifically developed digital platform, it is possible to search through a selection of Italian suppliers of the sector of interest, view their digital showcase, and ask them for one-to-one B2B meetings.

Login and sign up at our InBuyer Club and live the best experience in terms of accessing information from Italian companies with which you can establish important business contacts.

The registration process is simple and allows you to also use your favourite social network to make it easier for you to log in.

How to partecipate:

  1. Register to our platform and create your personal profile
  2. Fill in and publish the company profile to showcase your needs
  3. Search for the right event dedicated to your activity sector and register
  4. Browse the participant list to find potential business partners 
  5. Set up your agenda and indicate the time slots in which you are available for one-to-one digital meetings withing the event timeframe
  6. Send an appointment request to the Italian suppliers you would like to get in touch with
  7. During the event days, log into the plafotm and realize the scheduled appointments according to your agenda

Why partecipate:

  • Save Time! No business trips are required 
  • Get in contact with Italian suppliers simply by logging in from your office or home 
  • Set your own agenda and video-meet only the suppliers of your interest