InBuyer Cosmetics 2023

The deadline to register to this event has already passed

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Digital B2B Matching session dedicated to the cosmetics sector.

The companies admitted to participate to the event will have the opportunity to present products and conduct one-to-one meetings (video-call) with qualified international counterparts.

Click on Register/Login button on this page to ask to be admitted to the event or login with your credentials.

Please check in the here below list the products categories admitted to participate.

Participation is free of charge for international operators and for italian companies with legal and/or operational headquarter in the provinces below listed.

Product Categories Cosmetics
Specific Products Hair and beardCosmetics, make upSkin care, hair removal products, sun care, beauty masksNutritional SupplementsNatural & OrganicPerfumery, deodorantsSoaps, cleansers, bath salts
Italian Provinces Admitted BergamoBresciaComoCosenzaCremonaGenovaL'AquilaLeccoLodiMantovaMilanoModenaMonzaPaviaPerugiaReggio EmiliaSondrioTeramoTerniUdineVarese