InBuyer Tourism 2024 (session 1)

The deadline to register to this event has already passed

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Digital B2B Matching session dedicated to the Tourism sector.

The companies admitted to participate to the event will have the opportunity to present products and conduct one-to-one meetings (video-call) with qualified international counterparts.

Please check in the here below list the products categories admitted to participate.

Participation is free of charge for international operators and for italian companies with legal and/or operational headquarter in the provinces below listed.

Click on Register/Login button on this page to ask to be admitted to the event and login with your credentials or create your account.

Registrations close 7 days before the event starts. We strongly recommend to register as soon as possible to take advantage of this opportunity!

Product Categories Conference CentreConvention & Visitor Bureau, DMODMC/Travel Agency/Tour OperatorEnogastronomyLeisureLocation/VenueMICE (Meetings, incentive, conference & Event)Museum/GalleryPCO (Professional Congress Organiser)RestaurantSport and active tourismAccomodation facilitiesTransport/Rental
Specific Products AgritourismScattered hotelApartments/VillasSports/Adrenaline activitiesB&BBoutique/Design/Lifestyle HotelWineryHotel/Resort ChainCateringEvent SupplierFactory Store/OutletGlampingGolf ClubIndependent Hotel/ResortIncentive/Team BuildingEntertainment and ShowsEvent OrganisationExhibition CentreTranslation/Interpreting ServicesSpa/Beauty FarmGuided tours/Enogastronomic toursWellness
Subcategories AV ProductionFilming crewSet Designer
Market Target AsiaEuropeMiddle EastNorthern America
Italian Provinces Admitted BergamoCasertaCatanzaroCosenzaCrotoneFerraraGenovaLodiLuccaMassa-CarraraMilanoModenaMonzaNuoroPerugiaPisaRavennaSalernoSondrioTerniUdineVibo Valentia
05 07 March
from 9:00 to 19:00