Promos Italia|NIBI|BMATCH|DigIT Export|Info Export
Here you will find all the essential information to use the B2B matching platform.
Do you want to understand how to make the most of the potential of the BMATCH platform?
In this section you will find all the instructions on how to join our events and you can download the user manual.
Would you like to participate in InBuyer events but do you want to better understand how to do it and how the platform works?
Watch the video tutorial that explains step by step how to register and participate to B2B matching events!
Whether you are an Italian company or a foreign operator please read the rules of participation in InBuyer events.
Agenzia italiana per l'internazionalizzazione Sede legale: Via Meravigli, 9/b - 20123 Milano (MI) PEC: Codice Fiscale, Partita IVA: 10322390963