The project offers companies a customized accompaniment service in three target markets to foster opportunities for business development and/or consolidation in the selected market.
To whom it is addressed
The project is reserved for companies in the manufacturing sector that are regularly registered in the Business Register of the Chambers of Commerce and have their registered office and/or operating unit in the provinces of Ferrara-Ravenna, Genoa, Milan, Monza Brianza, Lodi, Modena and Pordenone-Udine (former territory of the Province of Udine).
Why participate
Searching for new foreign buyers is among the priority objectives, often very challenging, for many companies. By participating in the Meet&Match project, each company will be supported on the basis of its profile, sector/product, objective and strategy, with personalized services to meet, in individual calls, selected new foreign operators, without a travel commitment.
Our services
The offered services are:
- Prefeasibility verification with respect to the target sector
- Orientation training activities through focus target countries and meetings on specific issues related to international business
- Company insights, assessment and orientation through individual calls with local contact persons
- Targeted partner search for each company in one of the three target markets
- Creation of a personalized profile on BMATCH platform with the possibility of enriching its "virtual showcase" with product sheets or other informative material
- Customized agenda of B2B appointments with potential buyers and industry operators
Participation is free of charge
For more information about Meet&Match 2024 click here or contact our team at the email address