Qual'Italy srls
Qual'Italy srls

Qual'Italy is an artisan liqueur that was born from the creative flair of Vincenzo Serra and his deep love for our splendid land, Calabria. The company's mission is to link the history and traditions of the past with an apparently difficult present, but in reality full of potential to be seized and exploited.

“The entrepreneur is often a dreamer who wants to change the world and create something unique and wonderful. I am a dreamer deeply in love with my land, despite all its contradictions, and I have set myself the goal of developing an important project to talk about the beauties of Calabria, making them known all over the world ". This is the motto of Vincenzo Serra, who draws on the unique essences and scents of Calabria to give birth to his creations. In fact, in this region, by virtue of its particular microclimate, biodiversity, the pedogenetic factors that characterize it, there are exclusive products that expand the range of food and wine excellences of Mediterranean cuisine and present very high quality levels both from an organoleptic point of view, both from the more properly nutritional one. Here Vincenzo Serra, then, poses as an explorer in search of new and seductive perfumes, always turning his gaze to the history, the past of this land and the characters who inhabited it, to whom he dedicates many of his productions.

Qual'Italy srls
Qual'Italy srls
Qual'Italy srls
3 results
Vincenzo Serra
Qual’Italy è un liquorificio artigianale che nasce dall’estro creativo di Vincenzo ...
Vincenzo Serra
Company products
Wine & spirits
Agri-food and beverages
Qual'Italy srls